Energy saving and environmental attributes make ammonia a candidate to replace fluorochemical coolants.

From an environmental angle, Ammonia has formidable attributes and its demand in refrigeration is growing interest globally. It do not contribute to ozone depletion and global warming. Many industries using Ammonia in food processing and preservation, as well as many other refrigeration and air-conditioning processes.

History of Ammonia Refrigeration

Ammonia has desirable characteristics as a refrigerant, which have been well known for over a century. People in France first started using ammonia as a refrigerant in the 1850’s, and its use was brought to the United States in the 1860’s. By the 1900’s, ammonia refrigerators were being used in many commercial facilities to create blocks of ice, keep food cold, and produce other chemicals. Starting in the 1920’s, it was used in ice rinks, and by the 1930’s it was used in air conditioners for both industrial requirements and for keeping homes cool. Its use for cold storage of food compare to air conditioning is more. Today, ammonia is mostly used for larger scale cooling requirements such as college campus dorm room air conditioning, large office buildings, hospitals, airports, hotels, and more.

Advantages of Ammonia Refrigeration

It is corrosive and hazardous when released in large quantities. Because of its irritating odor, persons will not voluntarily stay near concentrations that are health threatening. Although ammonia will burn in a narrow range of high concentrations, it is difficult to ignite and will not support combustion after the ignition source is withdrawn. ASHRAE considers that the continued use of ammonia is necessary for food preservation and air conditioning. ASHRAE promotes a variety of programs to preserve the economic benefits of ammonia refrigeration while providing for the management of risks.